Episode 7: Hoses & Tubs- The Realities of Water Birth

Dr. Sara’s favorite topic, water birth. Water birth is a popular request, or at least topic of conversation, for home births. In this episode we first review some research on water birthing for maternal and fetal outcomes (thanks to Evidence Based Birth!), then get into some of the logistics around when is the best time to get into the tub during labor, how do we set up a tub, and Dr. Jackie’s own experience with water birth. Whether planned or unplanned, water immersion during labor or water birth is a safe and beneficial practice for uncomplicated deliveries. 

This podcast is hosted by Sara Ohgushi, ND & Jackie Kirihara, ND. Two naturopathic midwives from Portland, Oregon share stories, answer common questions, and offer insights to inspire interest and curiosity about birthing and home birth.

Sara Ohgushi, ND is a Naturopathic Midwife who has been practicing home birth midwifery for 23 years and has attended 800 births in Portland, Oregon & Southern Washington. Jackie Kirihara, ND is a Naturopathic Midwife and physician in Portland, Oregon.

Jacquelynn Kirihara